Who Knows If The Dilated Pupils Have Anything To Do With That.
This condition causes the eyes to not line up with each other, and is a genetic condition. Dilated pupils have gotten linked to dysautonomia, toxicity, tumors, feline leukemia, and other health issues. If the cat has dilated pupils and their eyes wide open it is a clear sign of fear.
Hypertension, Commonly Referred To As High Blood Pressure, Is A Very Common Physiological Culprit Of Dilated Pupils.
In some cases, the abnormal pupil may be the one that is. All siamese cats are born with albinism. Many health concerns are associated with dilated pupils, including feline leukemia, toxicity, dysautonomia, and tumors.
A Cat’s Eyes May Appear As If They Are Dilated In Certain Situations.
The lens has fibers growing into and across it, which will limit vision. The blue eye colour is linked to the coat, which is the siamese pattern or colourpoint. High blood pressure can be either a primary or secondary condition.
Blepharitis (Inflammation Of The Eyelids) Glaucoma (Increased Pressure Inside The Eye) Retinal Detachment
This usually happens with obese or older cats. Are siamese cat eyes always blue. It usually does not impair your cat’s vision and certainly won’t make your siamese cat go blind.
He Has Always Had Constantly Dilated Pupils (Huge Pupils).
But again there isn’t an obvious cause. Cat pupils are an amazingly expressive part of your feline friend’s body language repertoire. The pressure in her eye had almost double & glaucoma had started.